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Function and Task
+ The Department of Seismology is a research unit of the Institute of Geophysics, Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology. The Department has following main tasks:
+ Do fundamental research in seismology, included earthquake source process, wave propagation, inversion, etc.;
+ Develop numerical methods for seismological modeling, simulations;
+ Investigate deep structure of the Crust in Vietnam territory and adjacency using seismological data;
+ Study seismic activity and seismic hazard in the territory of Vietnam.
+ Investigate the relationship between stress and strain and process of stress accumulations in the Northwest of Vietnam;
+ Do research and survey in field of engineering seismology.
Human Resource
+ To date (01 Oct., 2012), the Department of Seismology includes 10 research staffs, among them are one Ass. Professor, two Doctors, and four MSc, and three university graduates.
The Department of Seismology manages and operates the following equipments for research:
1. Seismic station Geode 24-channel with GOS-single Geode Operating Software and full accessories;
2. Three seismographs K2 (three channels) for strong ground motion records;
3. One seismographs K2 (six channels) for ground motion records;
Three SS-1 ranger seismometers.
Scientific Achievements
- Currently the Department of Seismology is hosting 02 National Research Projects (funded by the Vietnam National Foundation for Science and Technology Development NAFOSTED). In between 1994 and the present the members of the Department had completed 04 other National Research Project funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology. In addition, the Department hosts many other research and applied projects.
- In the last five years, the members of the Department of Seismology had published 06 articles in SCI Scientific Journals (GJI, BSSA, Geophysics, GRL, Journal of Seismology), and many other book chapters, articles in International and National Scientific Journals.
Collaborations in Scientific Investigation and Research
- In Vietnam, the Department of Seismology has close relations and effective collaborations with the other Departments of the Institute of Geophysics, with Institute of Geology, Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics, Vietnam Institute of Geosciences and Mineral Resources, Vietnam Union of Geophysics, Ha Noi University of.
- For international cooperation, now the Department of Seismology has collaborations with Institute of Geophysics, LMU Munich, Germany; Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan; Nagoya University, and Tono Research Institute of Earthquake Science, JAPAN.
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